Report File

This page lists several options to control report file creation features of AIDA64. Please scroll down to read explanation of each options.


Output folder

This option specifies the folder where AIDA64 report files should be saved. In network audit this folder should be a UNC path (for example: \\server\share\folder), and all users should have file create + write permission to this folder. In both output folder name and file name the following special file control strings can be used:

·$HOSTNAME -- Inserts host name  
·$USERNAME -- Inserts current user name  
·$DOMAIN -- Inserts current logon domain  
·$IPADDR -- Inserts primary network adapter IP address (aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd)  
·$MACADDQ -- Inserts primary network adapter MAC address (AABBCCDDEEFF)  
·$MACADDR -- Inserts primary network adapter MAC address (AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF)  
·$UUIDMAC -- Inserts DMI System UUID. When not available, it inserts MAC address (00000000-00000000-0000AABB-CCDDEEFF)  
·$MONTH -- Inserts current month (MM)  
·$DATE -- Inserts current date (YYYY-MM-DD)  
·$TIME -- Inserts current time (HH-MM-SS)  

File name

This option specifies the file name to be used when the reports are saved to file. In network audit either in output folder name or file name one of the special file control strings (listed above) should be used to prevent computers to overwrite each others report files.

File extension

This option specifies the file name extension to be appended to the report files name. It is recommended to leave this option on the default state of automatic. This option does not control the report format, it specifies only the file name extension.